Stunning Rubine Red Cmyk

Its decimal value is 13697110 and the closest web-safe color code to it is cc0066.
Rubine red cmyk. English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color. A brighter red than our regular Red but darker than Fuchsia pink. Pms 3255 c cmyk 48 0 25 0 rgb 44 213 196 web 2cd5c4.
Cmyk 3 42 100 0 hex eba900 rgb 235 169 0 pms 124 utm dark blue. Pms 101 c cmyk 0 0 68 0 rgb 247 234 72 web f7ea48. Cmyk 89 19 72 60 hex 115740 rgb rgb 17 87 64 pms 343 utc blue 100 54 0 36 00386b 0 56 107 pms 295 daffodil.
A complement of this color would be 0 209 123 and the grayscale version is 72 72 72. The color rubine red with hexadecimal color code d10056 is a shade of pink. The decimal RGB color code is rgb 209086.
Rubine red d10056 Hex Color Code. Custom color ink option available -. A 20 lighter version of the original color is 255 88 135 and 147 0 42 is the 20 darker color.
Shop for Pantone Rubine Red C samples and products on Pantone. This color is 542 on the 381 color list. In the HSL color space cf035c has a hue of 334 degrees 97 saturation and 41 lightness.
Convert Pantone Rubine Red C color into RGB Hex and CMYK values. PANTONE Rubine Red C CMYK 0 100 26 0 RGB 237 10 114 Hex ed0a72. Convert Pantone Rubine Red C colour into RGB Hex and CMYK values.