Unique Reflex Blue Cmyk

Red value of its RGB is 0 Green value is 20 and blue value is 137.
Reflex blue cmyk. In the RGB color model 001489 is comprised of 0 red 784 green and 5373 blue. In these colors it will be common to find values that have are highest in blue saturation. Yes you do and even then you are still likely to run into the fact.
The CMYK Values and Percentages for Reflex Blue. The colour consultants youll be able to depend on. If no colorspace is given RGB is assumed.
For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for process printing. You can type any RGB HEX HSL HSV or LAB colors into the box. Furthermore the CMYK values for reflex blue are 6767040 almost parallel to the actual percentages.
The best way to avoid getting an undesired purple in your printing design is to change color settings and utilize a small percentage of magenta when you use a heavy percentage of cyan. RGB 58 73 156. Pantone PMS Reflex Blue 171796 Hex Color Code.
For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for. Pretty much straight up pure blue. CMYK 100 89 0 4.
PANTONE Reflex Blue C - 千通彩色库官网. Reflex Blue is one of the few Pantone colors that is not identified by the Pantone standard 3 or 4 digit code used to identify colors. When using the CMYK color spectrum for printing blue is practically head-to-head with purple.