Beautiful Pantone Colour Bridge Set

Pantone Color Bridge Set.
Pantone colour bridge set. Buy Pantone Coated and Uncoated Color Bridge Guide Set featuring Convert Pantone Colors to CMYKHTMLRGB 2139 Total Spot Colors Includes 294 New Trend Colors 100 lb Coated and 80 lb Uncoated Stocks Includes Two Handheld Fan Decks CMYK Values Produced via G7 Methodology Lighting Indicator Page Colors Arranged in Chromatic Format Integrated Color Index. These invaluable multiuse color reference tools help you to. Select and specify solid PANTONE Colors on coated and uncoated papers visualize how PANTONE Colors will.
It is best used for determining how solid colors will look when reproduced through a four-color printing process. It is best used for determining how a Solid Colors will look when reproduced through four-color printing process as well as a HTML value reference for digital media display intent. The guide also includes corresponding CMYK Hex and RGB values perfect for digital designers.
The guide also includes corresponding CMYK Hex and RGB values perfect for digital designers. In a convenient side-by-side comparison format. This tool will allow us to choose a Pantone color to be used in Adobe.
The most versatile tool for graphic and digital designers Color Bridge Set provides a side-by-side visual comparison of Pantone spot colors verses their closest CMYK process printing match on coated and uncoated paper. It contains 2139 Pantone. Adobe Creative Suite 10 and 20 were released before.
Whether ultimately printing on coated or uncoated stock you can now match PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors in process and RGB with the new valuepriced PANTONE COLOR BRIDGE SET. Order GP6102A from the Official Pantone website. Use Color Bridge Set for digital design animation and packaging when CMYK.
The PANTONE color bridge set illustrates how PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors will reproduce in CMYK on coated and uncoated stock. This set can also serve as a HTML value reference for digital media display intent. It is best used for determining how Solid Colors will look when reproduced through four-color printing process.