Fun Pantone 1505 U

Convert Pantone 1505 C colour into RGB Hex and CMYK values.
Pantone 1505 u. The RGB values for Pantone PMS 1505 C are 255 113 0 and the HEX code is FF7100. In the HSL color space ff8039 has a hue of 22 degrees 100 saturation and 61 lightness. In the RGB color model ff6900 is comprised of 100 red 4118 green and 0 blue.
Pantone PMS 1505 C ff6900 Hex Color Code. Similar Pantone Color name Information Color Schemes Light Darkshades Tones Similar Colors Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image. While the C and U versions contain the same number they should be treated as different colors as they often look very different.
The LRV stands for Light Reflectance Value and measures the percentage of light that a color reflects. The hexadecimal color code ff8039 is a medium light shade of orange. Medium gray and dark grey are also part of the color system and are usually used for body copy and headlines within Green Dot communication pieces.
Color System Core Color Palette The Core Color Palette consists of a primary green a secondary green and on certain occasions an alternate green. Shop for Pantone 1505 C samples and products on Pantone UK. In the HSL color space ff6900 has a hue of 25 degrees 100 saturation and 50 lightness.
The LRV for Pantone PMS 1505 C is 3663. Learn more about Light Reflectance Values and using RGB and Hex codes for paint. 1485 uc pantone 1495 uc pantone 1505 uc pantone orange 021 uc pantone 1525 uc pantone 1535 uc pantone 1545 uc pantone 155 uc pantone 156 uc pantone 157 uc pantone 158 uc pantone 159 uc pantone 160 uc pantone 161 uc c0 m0 y58 k0 r255 g246 b137 f689 c0 m0 y70 k0 r255 g245 b109 f56d c0 m0 y95 k0.
Convert Pantone 1505 C color into RGB Hex and CMYK values. The hexadecimal color code ff6900 is a shade of orange. Pantone PMS 1505 U ff8039 Hex Color Code.