Matchless Cool Grey Cmyk

PANTONE COOL GREY 10 CMYK 60504020 HEX 3A3B3C RGB 585960.
Cool grey cmyk. PANTONE 2905 CMYK 45000 HEX 85BEDA RGB 133190218. In the HSL color space 53565a has a hue of 214 degrees 4 saturation and 34 lightness. The CMYK value is cmyk 60 18 0 24 either 60 of cyan 18.
The hexadecimal color 9d9ea0. The HSL value is hsl 156 4 158 either a shade of 156 a saturation of 4 and a brightness of 158. In the RGB color model 666366 is comprised of 40 red 3882 green and 40 blue.
Information about Cool Gray 8C92AC. Pantone PMS Cool Gray 10 C 63666a Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color 9d9ea0 is a color blue whose writing is rgb 157 158 160 either 62 of red 62 of green 63 of blue.
The hexadecimal color code 666366 is a medium dark shade of magenta. The hexadecimal color code 63666a is a shade of cyan-blue. Shop for Pantone Cool Gray 7 C samples and products on Pantone.
The Color Experts You Can Count On. It has a hue angle of 2288 degrees a saturation of 162 and a lightness of 612. The CMYK Values and Percentages for Cool Gray.
The hexadecimal color code 97999b is a medium light shade of cyan-blue. The HSL value is hsl 102 8 173 either a shade of 102 a saturation of 8 and a brightness of 173. The CMYK value is cmyk 2 1 0 37 either 2 of cyan 1 of.