Top Notch Black Pantone Code

Pantone PMS Black 7 403b33 Hex Color Code.
Black pantone code. In the HSL color space 2b2926 has a hue of 36 degrees 6 saturation and 16 lightness. Pantone Hexachrome Black Part of the CMYKOG process range cyan magenta yellow black orange green. CMYK to Pantone Converter CMYK stands for C yan M agenta Y ellow K ey black.
This black is available as Pantone Black C coated U Uncoated and M Matt. In the RGB color model 403b33 is comprised of 251 red 2314 green and 20 blue. The hexadecimal color code 101820 is a very dark shade of cyan-blue.
This color has an approximate wavelength of 57771 nm. Can black 000000 be given a matte finish with a single color code. The hexadecimal color code 2b2926 is a dark shade of brown.
The below chart is intended as a reference guide only. Shop for Pantone Black C samples and products on Pantone. 2d2926 color name is Pantone Black C.
Similar Pantone Color name Information Color Schemes Light Darkshades Tones Similar Colors Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image. In the HSL color space 101820 has a hue of. Color space information 151515 Matt black.
3d3935 color name is Pantone Black 7 C. The Chicago Blackhawks NHL team Pantone colors are PMS 186 C for red PMS 165 C for orange PMS 348 C for green PMS 109 C for yellow PMS 131 C for tan PMS 2747 for navy blue and Black C for black. The hexadecimal RGB code of Black color is 000000.